Interface Diagnostics

public interface Diagnostics
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the given counter, creating it if it didn't exist
    Returns a CRS for displaying geographic coordinates in a user-friendly and consistent manner.
    A place to register and query various Metrics linked to the Engine
    log(Problem notification)
    Logs a notification.
    mirror(com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry childRegistry, String addPrefix)
    Mirrors the metrics in the given registry in our own MetricRegistry.
    Sets a sink to display diagnostic messages that we want the user to see.
  • Method Details

    • getMetricRegistry

      com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry getMetricRegistry()

      A place to register and query various Metrics linked to the Engine

    • getDisplayCrs getDisplayCrs()

      Returns a CRS for displaying geographic coordinates in a user-friendly and consistent manner.

    • setNotificationSink

      void setNotificationSink(ProblemSink sink)

      Sets a sink to display diagnostic messages that we want the user to see.

    • log

      void log(Problem notification)

      Logs a notification. This is something the user will always see, so we should be careful not to pollute the output with anything that's not directly relevant to the operation the user is currently doing.

    • counter

      com.codahale.metrics.Counter counter(String name)

      Returns the given counter, creating it if it didn't exist

    • mirror

      void mirror(com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry childRegistry, String addPrefix)

      Mirrors the metrics in the given registry in our own MetricRegistry.