Interface Model

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Model

Represents the new style of Riskscape model. A model fits into a predefined framework that defines how it will behave. The user can then configure parameters that customize how the model behaves. The underlying data-processing work that the model actually carries out is achieved using a Pipeline.

  • Method Details

    • getFramework

      ModelFramework getFramework()
      what sort of ModelFramework was used to build this model.
    • getBoundParameters

      BoundParameters getBoundParameters()
      the configurable parameters that will be applied to the model when it is run. Note these parameters are subservient to the framework parameters that were used to create the model - change the framework parameters will likely result in a totally different set of model parameters.
    • getFrameworkParameters

      BoundParameters getFrameworkParameters()

      Returns the parameters used by the ModelFramework to build this model (e.g. "template = default"). These parameters are so central to the model that it doesn't really make sense to override them at all, once the user has defined them.

    • getModelParameters

      List<? extends ModelParameter> getModelParameters()

      Returns the model's parameters. A ModelParameter contains more detailed metadata about a model's parameter compared to a regular Parameter

    • getModelParameter

      default Optional<? extends ModelParameter> getModelParameter(String parameterName)
      the ModelParameter that matches the given name
    • realize

      Produces an executable pipeline that will 'run' the model and produce results.

      a RealizedPipeline that can be executed, or a list of Problems that occurred during realization.
    • getPipelineAsExecuted

      default Optional<PipelineDeclaration> getPipelineAsExecuted()

      Get the PipelineDeclaration that is used to evaluate this model. The returned declaration should have all parameters substituted with the actual values.

      pipeline declaration used to evaluate this model