Interface Format

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Format extends Identified

A Format represents a file format (or other) used for data coming in and out of RiskScape. This could be something simple like a CSV file or bitmap data coming from a WCS server.

Format is set to become the central place where data formats are registered and as a jumping off point for other APIs that allows reading and writing of those formats. For now we are using this for creating RiskscapeWriter only, but we will want to evolve this and make Format a part of the BookmarkResolver API, i.e. add a getFormat() method to BookmarkResolver. Also note that format should not be bound to row-based formats and that we want to make sure we allow things like coverages or bitmaps to come on board, too

  • Method Details

    • getExtension

      String getExtension()
      the file extension that this format is normally saved as
    • getMediaType

      String getMediaType()
      the media type for this format
    • getCharacteristics

      Set<Format.Characteristics> getCharacteristics()
      the set of characteristics associated with this data format.
    • getWriterConstructor

      Optional<WriterConstructor> getWriterConstructor()

      Get a WriterConstructor to create an output writer with.

      the writer constructor or empty if writing tuples to this format is not supported