Interface PipelineJobContext

public interface PipelineJobContext

Bits and pieces that are all relevant to the execution of a specific pipeline (aka A job) as it is being executed (or prepared for execution) as per the users wishes.

Note that an ExecutionContext existed before this interface, and given the chance their names might be different to better reflect their purpose.

  • Method Details

    • getOutputContainer

      PipelineOutputContainer getOutputContainer()

      A storage location associated with this pipeline job. The various pipeline outputs will get stored here.

    • getPipeline

      RealizedPipeline getPipeline()

      The actual pipeline being executed

    • getProgressMetrics

      com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry getProgressMetrics()

      High level metrics that can give the user an indication of how far through execution the job is

    • getExecutionContext

      default ExecutionContext getExecutionContext()

      The ExecutionContext that was used to create this job.