Interface TypeRules

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TypeRules

Minimal TypeSet interface for use when only testing of types is required/allowed.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    debug(String msg, Object... args)
    Print some debug info to the TypeRules logger - this should be decorated with some extra context that helps put a particular rule checks logging more easily interpreted
    findEquivalenceCoercer(Type sourceType, Type targetType)
    Search through the list of EquivalenceRules and find the first one that can safely coerce a value from the source type to the target type.
    default boolean
    isAssignable(Type sourceType, Type targetType)
    testVariance(Type sourceType, Type targetType)
    Search through the list of VarianceRules to determine whether a value of sourceType can be assigned to a receiver of targetType
  • Method Details

    • findEquivalenceCoercer

      Optional<Coercer> findEquivalenceCoercer(Type sourceType, Type targetType)

      Search through the list of EquivalenceRules and find the first one that can safely coerce a value from the source type to the target type. This will return an object that will allow the source type to be safely converted to the target type.

      sourceType - the type of the value that is being assigned to something. type
      targetType - the receiving type
      a Coercer, or empty if none could be found.
    • testVariance

      Variance testVariance(Type sourceType, Type targetType)

      Search through the list of VarianceRules to determine whether a value of sourceType can be assigned to a receiver of targetType

      sourceType - the type of the value that is being assigned to something.
      targetType - the receiving type
      a determined variance calculation, or Variance.UNKNOWN if it couldn't be determined. You should assume invariance if unknown is returned.
    • isAssignable

      default boolean isAssignable(Type sourceType, Type targetType)
      true if values of sourceType can be assigned to values of targetType. Note that this test is not commutable, i.e. isAssignable(lhs, rhs) is not equivalent to isAssignable(rhs, lhs).
    • debug

      void debug(String msg, Object... args)

      Print some debug info to the TypeRules logger - this should be decorated with some extra context that helps put a particular rule checks logging more easily interpreted