All Classes and Interfaces

Calculates an AAL for a hazard-based probabilistic data.
RiskscapeFunction for computing a y value from the result of the CreateContinuousFunction function.
AST for classifier functions
Base class for output formats that write to a JDBC database.
Data to allow the mapping of a StructFlattener.StructMapping to a DB column.
Aggregate function for applying the given select aggregate expression to rows whose picked value falls between a range of user-defined numbers.
Indicates that the input data is invalid for a given CurveFitter.
Framework support for defining classifier functions in an INI section.
Builds a continuous function from a lambda expression and a series of x values to allow a complex function to be estimated and then stacked on top of other functions to avoid the overhead in calling it gajjilions of times.
Native CSV support for a relation.
Can construct a geometry-less CSV relation from a url, and has some support for creating a geometry-fied type using bookmark attributes.
Interface for some code that can fit a function to a set of 2d data points
A PipelineOutputStore that writes results to files on the file system.
The results of a curve fitting operation, aka parameters, ObservedPoints points) Can be used to yield a function and get various metadata about the fit itself.
Aggregate function for fitting a collected set of x/y values to a curve.
For writing to GeoPackage files.
Allows pipeline outputs to be stored to a GeoPackage format file.
Loads Resources accessible via http(s).
Exception thrown when ClassifierFunctionParser detects invalid syntax.
Calculates the intersection between a feature and all the other features in a vector layer
Fits a linear 'curve' to the data.
Returns a value from a lookup table
Calculates loss metrics such as the Probable Maximum Loss (PML), Occurrence Exceedance Probability (OEP), and Aggregate Exceedance Probability (AEP).
Function that applies a mapping expression to values sampled from the given coverage.
Very simple lookup table based on HashMap.
Functional interface for an object that can set raw values with the result of evaluating a coverage.
Fits a power law curve to the data using the method outlined in
Writes a QGIS project file (*.qgs) from as a collection of the output layers
Wraps an expression from a classifier to deal with either simple or struct type expressions.
Wraps a RealizedTreeFilter so that the optimal ReturnTypeInferer.getResultType() can be produced from the many RealizedTreeExpressions that could be called upon when ReturnTypeInferer.evaluate(java.lang.Object) is called.
Sample function that will return a single sample or null.
Used for 'stacking' continuous functions on top of each other so that an accumulated numeric consequence can be computed in one call.
Loads Resources from a cloud storage using the swift APIs.
Aggregation function that simply returns all the collected elements in a list.
Function for estimating the area under a curve using the