All Classes and Interfaces

A metadata attribute for a dataset
Supports reading a one-dimensional dataset from an h5 file.
Iterates over elements of an H5Dataset.
Convenience for representing a complete path to a dataset.
A dataspace is a handle used to either read from or to a dataset.
Gives access to datasets stored within an hdf5 file on the filesystem.
Iterates over elements of an H5Dataset
Methods for inspecting and accessing elements within an H5Group.
Interface for doing directory-style visiting of groups.
Base class for any object that wraps the anonymous IDs that are returned from the H5 library.
A relation that emits tuples formed from values in a one dimensional hdf5 dataset.
Represents an H5 data type, with some conveniences for mapping these to Riskscape types.
A general purpose resolver to open HDF5 files (or rather datasets within them) in a variety of ways.