Highly customisable spatial data processing for multi-hazard risk analysis

General Purpose

Can be used for variety of geospatial,
statistical and data manipulation operations.


RiskScape gives modellers the power
to define their own risk analysis calculation.

Deployment options

Expert, standalone mode, or
Simplify sharing with our cloud based platform.

What is RiskScape?

RiskScape is an open-source spatial data processing application used for multi-hazard risk analysis. RiskScape is highly customisable, letting modellers tailor the risk analysis to suit the problem domain and input data being modelled.

What does RiskScape do?

RiskScape provides a flexible data processing framework for building and executing geospatial risk models.

RiskScape can take a variety of input layers and geospatially stitch them together. For example, RiskScape can take a building portfolio and a flood hazard map and tell you the flood depth (if any) that each building was exposed to.

Who uses RiskScape?

RiskScape has been used throughout New Zealand and the South Pacific to help land managers, government entities and insurance companies to model loss and risk from natural hazards. This modeling is a key input to decision making about land use, insurance and emergency response.
Read RiskScape case studies >>

Choose the RiskScape solution that is right for you

Go it alone for ultimate control and flexibility by installing our open source engine and command line interface,
or use our cloud based platform to enable sharing and simplify easy of use.


  • NIWA logo Taihoro Nukurangi
  • GNS logo GNS Science Te Pū Ao
  • Natural Hazards Commission logo