Interface InputDataProblems

All Superinterfaces:

public interface InputDataProblems extends ProblemFactory

Problems relating to one of the user's input data sources. These problems are generally all highly specific but also need to be clearly worded, so the user will understand what they need to do to fix the problem.

  • Method Details

    • get

      static InputDataProblems get()
    • nullGeometry

      Problem nullGeometry(String geomAttributeName, String tupleID)

      We don't support the geometry attribute in the input data being null.

    • invalidTupleError

      Problem invalidTupleError()

      An invalid tuple that has not been skipped, and thus has stopped the pipeline execution. Wraps the specific problem in some more general helpful tips.

    • invalidTupleSkipped

      Problem invalidTupleSkipped()

      An invalid row of data (tuple) has been skipped.

    • unexpectedNullValue

      Problem unexpectedNullValue(String attributeName, String tupleContext)

      A null value was encountered unexpectedly, which is highly likely to be coming directly from the user's input data file, e.g. shapefile contains Integer value instead of -9999.

    • doesNotMatchType

      Problem doesNotMatchType()