Interface PipelineProblems

All Superinterfaces:

public interface PipelineProblems extends ProblemFactory

Factory for producing problems that involve pipelines or pipeline steps. See also ArgsProblems for dealing with step argument problems.

  • Method Details

    • get

      static PipelineProblems get()
    • cannotRealize

      Problem cannotRealize(StepDefinition step)

      Assigned to the result of as the parent problem. Produces message: "Could not realize "

    • cannotRealize

      Problem cannotRealize(Class<?> thing)
    • failedDependencies

      Problem failedDependencies(String dependentStepName)

      Step could not be realized because of failed dependencies

    • namedInputUnknown

      Problem namedInputUnknown(Step step, String inputName, List<String> supportedInputs)

      Attempt to chain to a named input that doesn't exist on the target step. Produces message: has no input named ''. Known input names are

    • executionFailed

      Problem executionFailed()

      Problem associated with an ExecutionException

    • outOfStorage

      Problem outOfStorage(String storageLocation, long amountFree)

      Attached to an OutOfStorageException

    • cycleDetected

      Problem cycleDetected(String offendingLink, int lineNo, String offendingDeclaration, int firstOccurenceLineNo)

      There was a cycle in your pipeline

      offendingLink - the link in the pipeline that when added caused the cycle, e.g. foo() -> bar()
      lineNo - the line the link was added on, uses the location of the -> token
      offendingDeclaration - The -> and step declaration on the rhs of the link which if removed will remove the cycle
      firstOccurenceLineNo - the line number where we first saw the offendingDeclaration
    • stepRedefinition

      Problem stepRedefinition(String stepName, int originalSourceLine, int redefinedSourceLine)

      The pipeline contains two steps with the same name.

      stepName - the name that is being reused
      originalSourceLine - the line number that stepName was first defined
      redefinedSourceLine - the line number that is attempting to redefine stepName