Class CommandLine.Help.TextTable

Enclosing class:

public static class CommandLine.Help.TextTable extends Object

Responsible for spacing out CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text values according to the CommandLine.Help.Column definitions the table was created with. Columns have a width, indentation, and an overflow policy that decides what to do if a value is longer than the column's width.

  • Field Details

    • columnValues

      protected final List<CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text> columnValues
      The char[] slots of the TextTable to copy text values into.
    • indentWrappedLines

      public int indentWrappedLines
      By default, indent wrapped lines by 2 spaces.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • forDefaultColumns

      public static CommandLine.Help.TextTable forDefaultColumns(CommandLine.Help.Ansi ansi, int usageHelpWidth)
      Constructs a TextTable with five columns as follows:
      1. required option/parameter marker (width: 2, indent: 0, TRUNCATE on overflow)
      2. short option name (width: 2, indent: 0, TRUNCATE on overflow)
      3. comma separator (width: 1, indent: 0, TRUNCATE on overflow)
      4. long option name(s) (width: 24, indent: 1, SPAN multiple columns on overflow)
      5. description line(s) (width: 51, indent: 1, WRAP to next row on overflow)
      ansi - whether to emit ANSI escape codes or not
      usageHelpWidth - the total width of the columns combined
    • forDefaultColumns

      public static CommandLine.Help.TextTable forDefaultColumns(CommandLine.Help.Ansi ansi, int longOptionsColumnWidth, int usageHelpWidth)
      Constructs a TextTable with five columns as follows:
      1. required option/parameter marker (width: 2, indent: 0, TRUNCATE on overflow)
      2. short option name (width: 2, indent: 0, TRUNCATE on overflow)
      3. comma separator (width: 1, indent: 0, TRUNCATE on overflow)
      4. long option name(s) (width: 24, indent: 1, SPAN multiple columns on overflow)
      5. description line(s) (width: 51, indent: 1, WRAP to next row on overflow)
      ansi - whether to emit ANSI escape codes or not
      longOptionsColumnWidth - the width of the long options column
      usageHelpWidth - the total width of the columns combined
    • forColumnWidths

      public static CommandLine.Help.TextTable forColumnWidths(CommandLine.Help.Ansi ansi, int... columnWidths)
      Constructs a new TextTable with columns with the specified width, all SPANning multiple columns on overflow except the last column which WRAPS to the next row.
      ansi - whether to emit ANSI escape codes or not
      columnWidths - the width of each table column (all columns have zero indent)
    • forColumns

      public static CommandLine.Help.TextTable forColumns(CommandLine.Help.Ansi ansi, CommandLine.Help.Column... columns)
      Constructs a TextTable with the specified columns.
      ansi - whether to emit ANSI escape codes or not
      columns - columns to construct this TextTable with
    • isAdjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters

      public boolean isAdjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters()
      See Also:
    • setAdjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters

      public CommandLine.Help.TextTable setAdjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters(boolean adjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters)
      See Also:
    • columns

      public CommandLine.Help.Column[] columns()
      The column definitions of this table.
    • textAt

      public CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text textAt(int row, int col)
      Returns the Text slot at the specified row and column to write a text value into.
      row - the row of the cell whose Text to return
      col - the column of the cell whose Text to return
      the Text object at the specified row and column
    • cellAt

      @Deprecated public CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text cellAt(int row, int col)
      use textAt(int, int) instead
      Returns the Text slot at the specified row and column to write a text value into.
      row - the row of the cell whose Text to return
      col - the column of the cell whose Text to return
      the Text object at the specified row and column
    • rowCount

      public int rowCount()
      Returns the current number of rows of this TextTable.
      the current number of rows in this TextTable
    • addEmptyRow

      public void addEmptyRow()
      Adds the required char[] slots for a new row to the columnValues field.
    • addRowValues

      public void addRowValues(String... values)
      Delegates to addRowValues(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text...), after ensuring that multi-line values are layed out in the correct row and column.
      values - the text values to display in each column of the current row
    • addRowValues

      public void addRowValues(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text... values)

      Adds a new empty row, then calls putValue for each of the specified values, adding more empty rows if the return value indicates that the value spanned multiple columns or was wrapped to multiple rows.

      values - the values to write into a new row in this TextTable
      IllegalArgumentException - if the number of values exceeds the number of Columns in this table
    • putValue

      public CommandLine.Help.TextTable.Cell putValue(int row, int col, CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text value)

      Writes the specified value into the cell at the specified row and column and returns the last row and column written to. Depending on the Column's Overflow policy, the value may span multiple columns or wrap to multiple rows when larger than the column width.

      row - the target row in the table
      col - the target column in the table to write to
      value - the value to write
      a Cell indicating the position in the table that was last written to (since 2.0)
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified row exceeds the table's row count
      2.0 (previous versions returned a java.awt.Point object)
    • toString

      public StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder text)
      Copies the text representation that we built up from the options into the specified StringBuilder.
      text - the StringBuilder to write into
      the specified StringBuilder object (to allow method chaining and a more fluid API)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object