Interface CommandLine.IExceptionHandler

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@Deprecated public static interface CommandLine.IExceptionHandler

Represents a function that can handle a ParameterException that occurred while parsing the command line arguments. This is a functional interface whose functional method is handleException(CommandLine.ParameterException, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, String...).

Implementations of this function can be passed to the CommandLine::parseWithHandlers methods to handle situations when the command line could not be parsed.

  • Method Details

    • handleException

      Handles a ParameterException that occurred while parsing the command line arguments and optionally returns a list of results.
      ex - the ParameterException describing the problem that occurred while parsing the command line arguments, and the CommandLine representing the command or subcommand whose input was invalid
      out - the PrintStream to print help to if requested
      ansi - for printing help messages using ANSI styles and colors
      args - the command line arguments that could not be parsed
      a list of results, or an empty list if there are no results