Interface CommandLine.IHelpCommandInitializable

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing class:

@Deprecated public static interface CommandLine.IHelpCommandInitializable
Help commands that provide usage help for other commands can implement this interface to be initialized with the information they need.

The CommandLine::printHelpIfRequested method calls the init method on commands marked as helpCommand before the help command's run or call method is called.

Implementation note:

If an error occurs in the run or call method while processing the help request, it is recommended custom Help commands throw a ParameterException with a reference to the parent command. The DefaultExceptionHandler will print the error message and the usage for the parent command, and will terminate with the exit code of the exception handler if one was set.

  • Method Details

    • init

      @Deprecated void init(CommandLine helpCommandLine, CommandLine.Help.Ansi ansi, PrintStream out, PrintStream err)
      Initializes this object with the information needed to implement a help command that provides usage help for other commands.
      helpCommandLine - the CommandLine object associated with this help command. Implementors can use this to walk the command hierarchy and get access to the help command's parent and sibling commands.
      ansi - whether to use Ansi colors or not
      out - the stream to print the usage help message to
      err - the error stream to print any diagnostic messages to, in addition to the output from the exception handler