Interface ProblemCode

All Known Implementing Classes:
CustomCode, ExpressionRealizer.ProblemCodes, LexerException.ProblemCodes, Pipeline.ProblemCodes, ProblemCodes, ProblemFactoryProxy.JavaMethodCode, StandardCodes

public interface ProblemCode

Interface for enums that describe a set of ProblemCodes - see StandardCodes for an example.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The name of this code, unique among all other codes in its class
    default String
    A key to use for i18n look ups to describe this problem.
  • Method Details

    • toKey

      default String toKey()

      A key to use for i18n look ups to describe this problem.

    • name

      String name()

      The name of this code, unique among all other codes in its class