Case studies

Who is using RiskScape?

RiskScape accurately models rainfall induced landslide impact of Cyclone Gabrielle

The problem

Cyclone Gabrielle in February 2023 caused loss of life and significant damage to buildings, infrastructure, and primary production, particularly in Hawkes Bay and Tairāwhiti. Responding agencies urgently needed to assess and understand the impacts of the landslides and flooding to make informed response decisions

The RiskScape solution

A rainfall-induced landslide impact forecast and issued these twice daily to response agencies during the extreme weather event.

The impact

RiskScape proved accurate, with initial residential claims similar to impact forecast spatial distribution and numbers.

Find out more about this project on the GNS website >>

RiskScape underpins Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake's internal loss modelling

The problem

Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake needed to update their existing bespoke model to incorporate updated science.

The RiskScape solution

The RiskScape team developed 3 new models. Post-event loss estimates in minutes to inform response, Treasury, government ministers and the public. Scenario modelling of possible future or past events to estimate how many claims will be made for each scenario, to inform readiness policies and procedures.

The impact

Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake now has a modern platform that can be used to model the risks associated to earthquakes and is ready for adding in new perils as the science develops

Find out more about how the Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake uses RiskScape >>

Supporting land use decisions for Queenstown Lakes District

The problem

Queenstown Lakes District Council wanted to change the land-use development policy to better manage rockfall and debris flow risk.

The RiskScape solution

RiskScape was used to estimate risk for current exposure, as well as future (2100) exposure under different development policy options.

The impact

Results were discussed with elected officials and the community to determine the preferred land-use policy option.

Find out more about this project in our Community Forum >>

Integrating RiskScape into real time flood early warning systems for Apia

The problem

Samoa having suffered from extreme weather events and severe flooding has lead the Government of Samoa to integrate flood warning into the National Early Warning System, with the expectation to reduce vulnerability of the families within the Vaisigano River Catchment Area (VRCA) and the general public towards flood-related risks.

The RiskScape solution

RiskScape was to estimate flood impacts as part of flood early warning system to inform emergency management decision making. The RiskScape API was used to integrate into an existing flood decision support tool.

The impact

RiskScape estimates potential impact to people and infrastructure.

Find out more about the Partnr 2 programme >>

Estimating infrastructure exposure to sea-level rise in New Zealand

The problem

The Deep South National Science Challenge wanted to quantify the impact of climate change induced sea-level risk on Aotearoa-New Zealand’s infrastructure.

The RiskScape solution

RiskScape was used to quantify the exposure of infrastructure networks to future sea-level rise scenarios.

The impact

The framework is reuseable and can be updated with different exposure data.

Find out more on the NIWA website >>


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