All Classes and Interfaces

Stores state during row-reduction as part of a RealizedAggregateExpression.
A RiskscapeFunction sub-interface for a function that can be applied across many Tuples as part of a RealizedAggregateExpression.
Adapts an AggregationFunction so that it can be called in a standard RealizedExpression.
An 'ancestor rule' is used when comparing two types to decide whether they have a common ancestor.
The result of computing an ancestor for two types.
Wrapper around Function to avoid nasty generics all over the shop
List version of AncestorType
Helper interface that can make your code more succinct when producing Ansi text for display
A more convenient print stream API to use for printing things out to the console, supporting ANSI styling if the underlying terminal supports it and fluid use (e.g.
The simplest type, which offers zero type checking
Factory for producing problems that involve arguments - either to a function or a pipeline step.
AST base type plus subtypes for type expressions
A type that needs arguments given to it to be created, like a struct has an identier and an argument list.
A constant, literal value, like a piece of text or a number
A map like structure where keys are symbols and the values are types or constants
A symbol is like an identifier - a string without quotes, a standalone token.
Wraps a list of nodes so that it conforms to the AST interface
A project where the inputs are disconnected from the outputs.
A abstract ExpressionVisitor for converting expressions in a narrowly defined way.
The base Model2 implementation.
Base class for Resources.
Convenience RiskscapeFunction for adding metadata to a java BinaryOperator function, specifically meant for a riskscape language BinaryOperation
Convenience for adding RiskscapeFunction metadata to a java BiPredicate function
Minimal interface for a class that can bind strings to objects according to Parameters
Bookmarks point to some resource to be used for risk modeling.
A BookmarkResolver can access the data that is being pointed to by a Bookmark.
A set of parameter values that have been bound from a particular ParameterSet.
Data holder for things that come from
Uniquely represents a particular type within a TypeSet by an id.
Runnable-esque interface for commands that want to be executed
Marker interface for pluggable top level picocli command
A function for transforming a value from one RiskScape type to another
Realized interface for a functor that can arbitrarily transform one set of tuples in to another.
A set of characteristics a collector can have which allow the PipelineExecutor to better optimise and organize execution.
A Command may define one or more ArgGroups: a group of options, positional parameters or a mixture of the two.
Exception indicating that multiple named elements have incorrectly used the same name.
Exception indicating that multiple fields have been annotated with the same Option name.
Exception indicating a problem while invoking a command or subcommand.
Defines some exit codes used by picocli as default return values from the execute and executeHelpRequest methods.
A collection of methods and inner classes that provide fine-grained control over the contents and layout of the usage help message to display to end users when help is requested or invalid input values were specified.
Provides methods and inner classes to support using ANSI escape codes in usage help messages.
Defines the interface for an ANSI escape sequence.
A set of pre-defined ANSI escape code styles and colors, and a set of convenience methods for parsing text with embedded markup style names, as well as convenience methods for converting styles to strings with embedded escape codes.
All usage help message are generated with a color scheme that assigns certain styles and colors to common parts of a usage message: the command name, options, positional parameters and option parameters.
Builder class to create ColorScheme instances.
Columns define the width, indent (leading number of spaces in a column before the value) and Overflow policy of a column in a TextTable.
Policy for handling text that is longer than the column width: span multiple columns, wrap to the next row, or simply truncate the portion that doesn't fit.
When customizing online help for Option details, a custom IOptionRenderer can be used to create textual representation of an Option in a tabular format: one or more rows, each containing one or more columns.
When customizing online help for positional parameters details, a custom IParameterRenderer can be used to create textual representation of a Parameters field in a tabular format: one or more rows, each containing one or more columns.
When customizing online usage help for an option parameter or a positional parameter, a custom IParamLabelRenderer can be used to render the parameter name or label to a String.
Use a Layout to format usage help text for options and parameters in tabular format.
Helper class to index positions in a Help.TextTable.
Controls the visibility of certain aspects of the usage help message.
Help command that can be installed as a subcommand on all application commands.
Provides default value for a command.
Classes implementing this interface know how to handle Exceptions that occurred while executing the Runnable, Callable or Method user object of the command.
Implementations are responsible for "executing" the user input and returning an exit code.
Interface that provides the appropriate exit code that will be returned from the execute method for an exception that occurred during parsing or while invoking the command's Runnable, Callable, or Method.
@Command-annotated classes can implement this interface to specify an exit code that will be returned from the execute method when the command is successfully invoked.
Factory for instantiating classes that are registered declaratively with annotation attributes, like CommandLine.Command.subcommands(), CommandLine.Option.converter(), CommandLine.Parameters.converter() and CommandLine.Command.versionProvider().
Help commands that provide usage help for other commands can implement this interface to be initialized with the information they need.
Creates the CommandLine.Help instance used to render the usage help message.
Renders a section of the usage help message.
Determines the option name transformation of negatable boolean options.
Exception indicating a problem during CommandLine initialization.
Options or positional parameters can be assigned a IParameterConsumer that implements custom logic to process the parameters for this option or this position.
Classes implementing this interface know how to handle ParameterExceptions (usually from invalid user input).
Provides version information for a command.
Exception indicating that more values were specified for an option or parameter than its arity allows.
Exception indicating that a required parameter was not specified.
Exception indicating that an annotated field had a type for which no CommandLine.ITypeConverter was registered.
This class provides a namespace for classes and interfaces that model concepts and attributes of command line interfaces in picocli.
The ArgGroupSpec class models a group of arguments (options, positional parameters or a mixture of the two).
Builder responsible for creating valid ArgGroupSpec objects.
The CommandSpec class models a command specification, including the options, positional parameters and subcommands supported by the command, as well as attributes for the version help message and the usage help message of the command.
Internal interface to allow annotation processors to construct a command model at compile time.
Customizable getter for obtaining the current value of an option or positional parameter.
Interface for sorting options and groups together.
The scope of a binding is the context where the current value should be gotten from or set to.
Customizable setter for modifying the value of an option or positional parameter.
Encapculates type information for an option or parameter to make this information available both at runtime and at compile time (when Class values are not available).
Utility class for getting resource bundle strings.
Command method parameter, similar to java.lang.reflect.Parameter (not available before Java 8).
The OptionSpec class models aspects of a named option of a command, including whether it is required or optional, the option parameters supported (or required) by the option, and attributes for the usage help message describing the option.
Builder responsible for creating valid OptionSpec objects.
Models parser configuration specification.
The PositionalParamSpec class models aspects of a positional parameter of a command, including whether it is required or optional, and attributes for the usage help message describing the positional parameter.
Builder responsible for creating valid PositionalParamSpec objects.
This class allows applications to specify a custom binding that will be invoked for unmatched arguments.
Models the usage help message specification and can be used to customize the usage help message.
Exception indicating that the user input included multiple arguments from a mutually exclusive group.
Exception indicating that an option for a single-value option field has been specified multiple times on the command line.
Exception indicating something went wrong while parsing command line options.
Exception indicating that there was a gap in the indices of the fields annotated with CommandLine.Parameters.
Encapsulates the result of parsing an array of command line arguments.
Builds immutable ParseResult instances.
A group's multiplicity specifies how many matches of a group may appear on the command line.
Provides information about an CommandLine.ArgGroup that was matched on the command line.
Base class of all exceptions thrown by picocli.CommandLine.
IDefaultValueProvider implementation that loads default values for command line options and positional parameters from a properties file or Properties object.
Describes the number of parameters required and accepted by an option or a positional parameter.
A regular expression-based option name transformation for negatable options.
Builder for creating RegexTransformer objects.
Command line execution strategy that prints help if requested, and otherwise executes the top-level command and all subcommands as Runnable, Callable or Method.
Command line execution strategy that prints help if requested, and otherwise executes the top-level Runnable or Callable command.
Command line execution strategy that prints help if requested, and otherwise executes the most specific Runnable or Callable subcommand.
Fields annotated with @Spec will be initialized with the CommandSpec for the command the field is part of.
Exception thrown by CommandLine.ITypeConverter implementations to indicate a String could not be converted.
Fields annotated with @Unmatched will be initialized with the list of unmatched command line arguments, if any.
Exception indicating that a command line argument could not be mapped to any of the fields annotated with CommandLine.Option or CommandLine.Parameters.
Functional interface that redeclares TypeConstructor.construct(TypeBuilder, AST.ComplexType)
Used to represent a parsing operation that's conditional on a sequence of token possibilities.
Simple interface for raw application configuration values grouped in to sections, a la ini files, but abstracted a little.
A named collection of String key value pairs.
A RiskscapeFunction that always returns the same value
Functional interface for a factory that wants to register an object to an IdentifiedCollection without completely creating it.
Useful base class for features that just return a new instance of something of a particular type
An interface for Types that are containers for other types, e.g.
Two ContainingTypes of the same type (e.g.
Represents a TypedCoverage using Riskscape's type system.
Thrown from ResourceFactory.create(CreateRequest) and friends when something goes wrong with storing some data
A sort of transaction handle for saving resources to allow various housekeeping to be applied by various protocols that allow storage.
Parameters for creating a resource via the ResourceFactory
A unique/one-off custom code to use as a Problem's code.
Permissive Decimal type that will convert any Number in to a BigDecimal via Number.doubleValue().
Implements a simple single-threaded collection of results from a Collector
A special case of a list type, which is always empty.
A relation that has no values, just a type.
An Engine is the central part of the application that offers core services for doing data processing.
An extension of the Engine interface with extra methods that are only safe to call during engine bootstrapping
Bit of code that adds something to an engine instance when it's created.
An engine collection allows new IdentifiedCollections to be plugged in, accessible via IdentifiedLocator.getCollection(Class)
Interface for commands to implement if they want access to a riskscape engine during execution.
Riskscape type that maps a set of numbers to a set of well-known strings.
An equivalence rule allows type-safe coercion to be applied to the Riskscape Expression language in a pluggable way.
Various bits associated with the realization and execution of a pipeline
Various options that apply to PipelineExecutor#execute(RealizedPipeline, ExecutionOptions)
Returned from PipelineExecutor#execute(RealizedPipeline, ExecutionOptions).
Return this from a ChildCommand command to indicate special exit instructions from the program
Throw when there is some issue with the command that deserves an error message to the user along with potentially a non-zero exit
An as yet Unrealized expression AST.
A ExpressionVisitor for converting expressions in some way.
Builds a Riskscape Language Expression AST from a string.
Factory for creating problems involving an expression
Produces realized (and evaluation-ready) expressions from an AST and an input type as scope.
Standard set of problem codes for describing problems during expression realization
An ExtensionPoint is an official advertised place that allows a Plugin to advertise a PluginFeature SPI and a place where implementing features should be registered by the plugin system during startup.
Thrown from an IdentifiedCollection when an object is looked up that couldn't (or wasn't) successfully created.
Factory for producing problems that involve a specific file, e.g.
Like a Projection, except that a FlatProjection projects a single Tuple in to a set of Tuples.
A realized FlatProjection.
A Format represents a file format (or other) used for data coming in and out of RiskScape.
Format characteristics are here to guide the various bits of code that use them to be able to use them generically without prior knowledge of them specifically.
Context containing things that may be useful to RiskscapeFunctions being instantiated from external sources.
Defines a framework for building functions, e.g.
Holds the common details about a RiskScape function, such as its argument-types and return-type.
Used for realizing FunctionCall expressions to produce a RiskscapeFunction that can be used during execution of RealizedExpression.evaluate(Object).
Type information for a first-class function being stored in a tuple (as an UntypedFunction)
General purpose problems that can appear in many parts of the system.
Riskscape Type that represents geometry, e.g.
An enumeration of the main Geometry type 'families' we support in RiskScape, ranked in terms of their lowest-common-denominator-y-ness when intersecting each other, e.g.
A utility for automatically fixing invalid Geometry.
A base implementation.
Thrown when a Geometry is found to be invalid.
Problems relating to Geometry operations, errors, etc
Thrown when a Geometry is not able to to re-projected to another CoordinateReferenceSystem.
Rule allow Geometry sub-types to be assigned to Types.GEOMETRY.
Enum to control if geometries should checked for validity and what to do if they are not
Base for a Type that wraps Types.GEOMETRY to make it a more specific geometry sub-type.
Feature interface for plugins to indicate they have i18n message bundles on their classpath.
Interface that may be added to Realized implementations should they have specific metrics.
Object that as an identifier.
A collection of Identified objects.
Convenience class for any IdentifiedCollections that want to work from an in-memory set of objects.
Thrown by an IdentifiedCollection when there was some issue with adding or getting an object from the collection.
A RiskscapeFunction that is identified by its Identified.getId().
An IdentifiedLocator is a service locator style API that allows an IdentifiedCollection to be looked up by the class the collection contains, e.g.
Wraps a type to include an identifier and a TypeSet to link it back to some managed and identified set of types among a set.
Problems relating to one of the user's input data sources.
Permissive Integer type that will convert any Number in to an long integer via Number.longValue().
Allows assignment of integers to floating point - considered a downcast, as an integer value can represented 'enough' by a floating point rule.
Functional interface for an interrupt handler.
Thrown when a method expects a set of bound parameters that match a particular set of defined parameters but they don't match.
Thrown when an invalid tuple (row) of input data is encountered, i.e.
Can be thrown by commands when there is some higher level problem with they way a command has been used that could be solved if the user RTFM.
Immutable prototype-builder implementation of IdentifiedFunction TODO given the use of this an all sorts of other implementations, the name of this needs to change to be more like 'BaseFunction' or 'ImmutableFunction'
This rule stops variance calculation when the java types are not compatible
Interface for classes that can join a relation on to another relation, tuple at a time.
Specifies what kind of join this is
A lambda expression in the RiskScape language is a self-contained expression that can be applied to a list of arguments.
Represents a lambda expression in an unrealized function's type signature.
Lexer<T extends TokenType>
Converts a String in to a stream of Tokens for parsing in to an AST by the Parser.
Meta-class object for token type enumeration.
General exception thrown during lexing
A list declarations yields a list of whatever is expressed within it, e.g.
A LookupTable is a data source that allows some value to be looked up based on a key.
Represents an instance of a LookupTable
A variation on Joiner that works by joining individual values from the lhs (left-hand side) to an indexed set of rhs (right-hand side) values.
Thrown by a ExpressionParser when we got an unexpected token, indicating that the expression must be malformed.
metadata from the execution of a pipeline
A MessageFactory allows i18n messages to be declared and looked up from a MessageSource using a declarative dsl-ish technique.
Interface for objects that are suitable for message resolution in a MessageSource.
High level interface in to RiskScape's i18n subsystem.
Strategy interface for resolving messages, with support for the parameterization and internationalization of such messages.
Convenience class for dealing with the basic metadata-related aspects of a function, i.e.
Subclass of ExpressionVisitor that does a traversal through the AST, without modifying anything.
Represents the new style of Riskscape model.
Defines a framework for building models, e.g.
Represents a Parameter in a Model that can be customized by the user, via a ParameterTemplate
Thrown from BindingContext when a binding fails because no ParameterBinder is available to bind with the given from and to
Thrown when a tuple is queried for a member that does not exist.
Thrown when IdentifiedCollection.get(String) does not find an object with the given id.
Throws by TypeIOBuilders when a TypeIO object couldn't be constructed - typically because there is no support for reading/writing a particular type.
Accepts null/nothing being passed to a Nullable target.
Wraps another type to allow values to be null.
Allows two types to be ancestors by making the ancestor type nullable if either of the descendant types are also nullable
Allows equivalence to be determined by the types inside a nullable
Passes variance test on to the contained type of a nullable if the target, or the target and source, are nullable.
A RiskscapeFunction that wraps another one to short-circuit the target function to return null if any of the args are null.
A Pipeline Step that does nothing.
A converting rule that flattens any number types to floating to allow them to be ancestors
Thrown when an attempt is made to add an object to an IdentifiedCollection, but the collection already has an object with the same id.
Allows plugins to define custom 'toString' rules for generating a localized string representation of an object, in addition to the defaults.
Wraps a type adding some extra unit metadata, e.g.
Used for Realizing BinaryOperations in to RealizedExpressions that can be used to evaluate an expression
Various utilities for interacting with the OS
Signals that an IdentifiedFunction supports different combinations of types.
General purpose pair type
Parameters are the inputs and toggles that ultimately control how Riskscape works.
Interface for a class that can convert a string in to an object of a particular type
Thrown by ParameterBinders when a value can not be converted to the desired type for some reason.
Represents an expected property or 'trait' that the parameter should have, especially in terms of how a UI user should specify the parameter value.
An ExpressionVisitor that rewrites an expression by replacing any parameters it has found with substitutions from the visitor's map of replacements.
A set of Parameter objects that are grouped together, typically as a set of required inputs for something that a user adds to their project.
Contains the aspects of a parameter that the user can customize themselves.
A parameter can have a set of pre-defined choices, i.e.
Represents an unresolved expression within a larger expression.
Base exception thrown when converting a sequence of tokens from a Lexer in to an abstract syntax tree.
A user-configurable data processing pipeline for performing hazard analysis.
Thrown when a cycle is detected in a pipeline
AST for a pipeline declaration - the root of the AST.
Simple value holder for the results of finding a step via the PipelineDeclaration.find(BiPredicate) method.
Thrown by Pipeline when adding edges or steps to a pipeline.
Bits and pieces that are all relevant to the execution of a specific pipeline (aka A job) as it is being executed (or prepared for execution) as per the users wishes.
Some basic metadata that can be associated with a pipeline
A container for storing outputs from a pipeline run.
Contains user specified options to use when saving results from a pipeline execution.
Defines an output store that is able to store the results of pipeline execution, aka a pipeline job.
Factory for producing problems that involve pipelines or pipeline steps.
Realizes a Pipeline by converting a PipelineDeclaration in to a RealizedPipeline.
Collection of Steps that are available for use in Pipelines.
A Riskscape Plugin.
Contains meta data and standard methods for integrating a plugin's code base in to RiskScape
Marker interface for any code that implements a feature that should be registered with an ExtensionPoint
PluginRuntimeException are thrown when the plugin system fails to initialize or start a plugin
Spi for plugins that can parse prj files.
Class used for describing errors and other issues with user defined input.
Interface for enums that describe a set of ProblemCodes - see StandardCodes for an example.
Thrown from ResultOrProblems.getOrThrow() as an alternative to using functional style flow control in your code with ResultOrProblems.
A function call that will either return an object or throw a ProblemException.
Alternative to ProblemException.Call that accepts a list of problems to return in the result
Indicates that a particular interface is solely used for generating Problems.
Works as a Proxy for a given ProblemFactory
A convenient placeholder when constructing a Problem's args.
Helper for generating Problem objects.
A place for problems to fall down when the user should know about them, but they're not going to stop execution.
Contains Riskscape project resources, such as: - types - functions - models - bookmarks
A projection is a view of some underlying relation, where each tuple is potentially transformed.
Realized Projection of one Struct to another.
Property access represents an indexing of the scope or another expression, e.g.
A global source of randomness for a riskscape process to aid reproducability of results
Helper functions for generating random numbers or sampling from random distributions.
Marker interface to say that the underlying java representation of a type is Comparable
Special case ExitException that is thrown from Terminal#readline() when a user ctrl-cs when entering text.
An interface for functions to indicate that they can be realized for a particular set of input arguments in a riskscape language expression.
Access to contextual bits and pieces in which realization is going to happen - this metadata will also be relevant for the eventual execution of an Expression and can be passed through to any RealizedExpressions and their dependents that result from realization.
The aggregated inputs given to Step.realize(RealizationInput)
Interface for other interfaces that can be returned from a Step.realize(RealizationInput).
An expression that can be evaluated across many inputs to eventually yield a single 'scalar' result
Represents an Expression that has been realized against a specific RiskScape type.
A Step that has been realized, such that it has produced valid output.
Type that adds CoordinateReferenceSystem and an optional bounds to another type.
Allows two Referenced geometry types to be ancestors, maintaining their Referenced wrapping type so long as they are in the same CRS.
Represents a Relation using Riskscape's type system.
Returned from Messages.renderProblem(Problem, java.util.Locale) to translate a problem while maintaining its tree structure.
Used for customizing the output of toString
Links a Bookmark to a BookmarkResolver in order to access the useful data.
Represents a file type resource in a way that allows where the resource is from to be decoupled from how it is accessed.
A resource that can not be opened but is still useful for identifying some content.
An object able to load certain kinds of Resources.
Exception indicating a problem of some kind with the loading a Resource.
A glorified Predicate with support for riskscape type safety checks and geotools Filter representation.
A Restriction that has been built and verified to work with a given type.
Thrown when ResultOrProblems.get() is called and there is no result.
An optional-esque that contains the result of some result-yielding operation where it may have had problems which might have stopped it from producing a result.
Root exception that all exceptions from Riskscape engine code should extend.
General interface for any kind of function that accepts and returns riskscape types values.
Can be thrown by engine code to say there was some underlying IO issue that caused data processing to fail.
Interface for writing out riskscape values
Basic list type that can convert various arrays and list types to the required type
Rule that passes when the source and target have the same Type object.
A LambdaType that also includes the scope.
Loosely termed thing that is typically used to gain privileged access to something else.
A thing that can build a particular type of secret from some well-known parameters
A 'select all' expression is an asterisk by itself (i.e.
An optional interface for an object that can describe itself in terms of RiskScape types.
Represents the simplest single-value type, e.g.
Function interface that redeclares TypeConstructor.construct(TypeBuilder, AST.Symbol)
Allows a singular specific geometry type (LINE, POINT, POLYGON) to be coerced to a multi form of the same type.
Special case TupleIterator for a single Tuple.
Allows assignment between structs and simple values if the struct has a single member who's type matches the single value.
Accepts output tuples from a pipeline step, possibly for saving results, but also potentially for processing them before having them emerge somewhere else in the pipeline.
A SinkConstructor allows a Sink to be constructed from the set of execution time ExecutionOptions.
Defines options that are useful when constructing a Sink
Defines an sort by, consisting of an Expression to obtain a comparable value and SortBy.Direction.
Optional meta data for a Relation
SRIDSet is the "central authority" in riskscape for managing CoordinateReferenceSystems.
A pre-defined set of common types of problems.
A processing Step that can be added to a Pipeline.
AST for a list of StepDeclarations that are chained together.
AST for a single step.
Defines a step.
Slightly-over-engineered way of determining an implicit name, if possible, for a step definition.
Reference to a step that should have been declared previously.
Permissive struct-like type that allows a c-like struct (like a java class with only fields) to be declared with members being other riskscape types.
Builder class for constructing struct types with a fluid api
EquivalenceRule that allows a Struct with a single Geom member to be coerced to a Geom.
A command that wants access to a Terminal
A plain old string.
A substring, location in the source text, plus type, that constitutes a Token emitted from the Lexer
Functional interface that replaces using Pattern for sometimes easier, more understandable and more flexible pattern matching during lexing
Interface for enum members used by Lexer
Tokens used by ExpressionParser
Represents the current context of the translation, i.e.
Offers quick, efficient, Map-like storage (populating the map is 100% quicker than a HashMap where the keys are defined according to a Struct.
Options for error suppression/checking when using the Tuple.coerce(Struct, Map) method
A re-mix of TupleIterator that should work better in the scheduler
Brings together the AutoCloseable and Iterator interface fo Iterators that come from Relations, so that iterators can clean up any resources they are derived from.
Simple interface for something that reads Tuples from an underlying stream of data
Generic, and slightly wip, interface for creating TupleReaders and TupleWriters
Stripped back interface for writing tuples out, presumably to some sort of underlying output stream.
The root interface for Riskscape's type system.
Thrown when a particular argument received by a TypeConstructor isn't valid for the type
Interface for constructing riskscape Type objects from a riskscape type-expression, e.g.
Interface for types that can construct a Type based on an AST.
A provider of Type values backed by a Coverage.
An empty coverage, useful for testing, stubs, or proxy implementations
Meta-class for riskscape types that allows types to be plugged in to the riskscape engine.
java.nio based interface for reading and writing riskscape-typed objects from and to a ByteBuffer.
Builder/Factory interface for a type that can construct TypeIO objects for arbitrary types
Functional interface for constructing a TypeIO object from a type.
Minimal TypeSet interface for use when only testing of types is required/allowed.
Singleton instances of SimpleValued types to avoid needless construction TODO maybe make the constructors package level to hammer it home?
Type safety wrapper around an AncestorRule to avoid having to instanceof test the types
A Visitor interface for descending through an arbitrary type 'tree' - the other half of Type.visit(TypeVisitor, Object).
Move over to APIs that use NoBindingAvailableException
Thrown when a null value was unexpectedly encountered in the input data.
Thrown by a Parser when we got a token we weren't expecting
Thrown when an object is asked for by id from the engine, but the engine doesn't know a function by that id.
Thrown by SRIDSet when the SRIDSet.get(int) method does not have a CoordinateReferenceSystem by that id
Thrown by a TypeBuilder when a AST.Symbol or AST.ComplexType is encountered that is not known to the type builder, e.g.
A minimal RiskscapeFunction interface, which exists for two reasons: 1) store a reference to a first-class function in a tuple 2) a minimal functional interface for use with creating minimal riskscape functions without having to implement RiskscapeFunction.
Represents any java object that has been coerced to the associated type.
Variance rules allow the type system to advise whether one type's values can be directly assigned to another without having to alter the receiving type (and consequently value).
Type that limits value to be within a specified range.
Can be one of the given values.
Wrapping type that stores extra metadata along with a given type.
'peels' the onion of two wrapped types to find the common kernel.
Wrapping types add extra restrictions or metadata to a type that narrows that type.
Will allow assignment if the source type is more specific than the target type.
Functional interface for something that is able to create a RiskscapeWriter.