Upgrading RiskScape

If you already have RiskScape installed on your system, here’s how to upgrade the software to a more recent version.


To upgrade RiskScape you must first remove your current copy. Simply extracting a new version of riskscape.zip over the top of an existing version may result in errors or unexpected behaviour.


RiskScape requires that Java version 17 (or higher) is installed on your computer in order to run.

Replace the old installation directory

First, work out the directory location where RiskScape is already installed. If you cannot remember the installation location, try one of the following:

  1. If you have added riskscape to your system PATH, then you can use:

    • get-command riskscape.bat on Windows (PowerShell).

    • where riskscape.bat on Windows (Command prompt).

    • which riskscape on Linux or Mac.

    For example:

    C:\Users\demo> where riskscape.bat
  2. Or, if you use a Desktop shortcut (Windows) to run RiskScape, right-click on the shortcut and click ‘Edit’.
    The RiskScape installation directory will be on the doskey line (or Set-Alias for PowerShell). E.g.

    doskey riskscape=C:\RiskScape\riskscape\bin\riskscape.bat $*

In these examples, C:\RiskScape is our installation directory, and everything under that was extracted from the riskscape.zip file previously.

Rename the existing riskscape directory, e.g. to riskscape-old. A good approach is to rename it riskscape-vX.Y.Z, where X.Y.Z matches the version number in your current riskscape --version output. For example:

C:\Users\demo> cd C:\RiskScape
C:\RiskScape> move riskscape riskscape-v0.5.5


Although you could simply delete the old riskscape directory, renaming it is better, as you can still run older versions of RiskScape easily if needed. This ensures reproducibility of your model’s results, i.e. you can regenerate results with exactly the same software as used in a publication.

Install the new RiskScape Zip file

Download the latest RiskScape zip file and extract the contents into your installation directory, e.g. C:\RiskScape.

Open a terminal prompt and check that RiskScape still works, and is now the expected version. You may want to try the full executable path first, as a sanity-check. E.g.

C:\RiskScape\riskscape\bin\riskscape.bat --version
riskscape --version


If the shorter riskscape command does not work, your installation directory path may have changed slightly.

If you are using a Windows shortcut script, then check that the shortcut still points to where you installed RiskScape. You could try creating the shortcut again.

If you do not use a Windows shortcut, then check your PATH environment variable contains the bin/ directory for the RiskScape installation. E.g.

  • echo %PATH% on Windows

  • echo $PATH on Linux or Mac

Refer to the installation instructions on how to set PATH.