PostGIS is a PostgreSQL database with spatial extensions installed. RiskScape can use PostGIS databases for:

  • loading input data into a model

  • saving the output data, or results, from a model


In most cases, the PostGIS database will require a password to be used. This password will need to be made available to RiskScape, but this should be done in a way that will reduce the risk of the password being compromised.

The recommended way to make the password available to RiskScape is to set it to a PGPASSWORD environment variable. The following examples show you how to set a PGPASSWORD environment variable on various operating systems.


For Command Prompt:

set /p PGPASSWORD=Enter you PostGIS Password (check no one is watching):

For Power Shell:

$ENV:PGPASSWORD = Read-Host Enter you PostGIS Password (check no one is watching):


read -sp "Enter you PostGIS Password:" PGPASSWORD

PostGIS location format

RiskScape uses a custom location format for PostGIS connections. The format is:



  • USER is the username to connect to the PostGIS database.

  • DB_HOST is the host name or IP address of the database host machine.

  • PORT optional port to connect to (defaults to 5432).

  • DATABASE is the database to connect to.


Your PostGIS password can also be specified in the bookmark location, however this is not recommended. Storing your password in a plain-text file makes it easier for your login credentials to be compromised, for example if you share your project.ini file with other people.

Bookmarks for input data

A PostGIS table can be used as a RiskScape data source. You can create PostGIS bookmarks with:

[bookmark postgis1]
location = postgis://USER@DB_HOST/DATABASE
layer = TABLE

[bookmark postgis2]
location = postgis://USER@DB_HOST/DATABASE?layer=TABLE


Currently the table must contain a geometry attribute in order to be used in RiskScape.

Saving results

RiskScape can also save results to a PostGIS database. To do this, in the riskscape model run command simply specify a PostGIS location for the --output CLI option. E.g --output postgis://USER@DB_HOST/DATABASE


Saving results to PostGIS is currently a beta feature. You must enable the Beta plugin before you can output results to a PostGIS database.

Saving results to a PostGIS works similarly to saving results to files. The main difference is that the results are saved into a database table rather than a file.


In order to save results, the database USER will need to have privileges to create and drop tables in the PostGIS database. Dropping tables will occur if you use the --replace CLI option when running your model.

RiskScape will name the results tables the same way it would name output files. If the database already contains a table with the output name (e.g event_loss) then the output name will be incremented the same as with files (e.g event_loss_1). However, if the --replace CLI option is used, then the existing table is deleted and replaced with a new one.


When using a PostGIS output, you cannot specify a --format for the riskscape model run command. Any specified format (e.g shapefile, csv etc) will simply be ignored.